Thursday, February 15, 2024

Short overview "MyThinking"

In the previous post on "Meta-Artificial" I made comparative comments wrt the answer John Day gave to the so called "WITI" problem (What-Is-The-Internet) in his book "Network Architecture". I set out to research this question some time in 1993 while trying to understand the so called "Protcol Wars". My first presentation related to the WITI problem was in 1994 to the Technical Chamber of Greece titled "The OSI and Other Networks".

Somehow John Day presents the "right" architecture, what it should have been more precisely, underlining the deviations the course of Internet has followed from this ideal design he names RINA. It was the first time that I realized the "Engineering" versus the "Science" aspects concerning Networking. This line of work has contributed significantly to my understanding concerning the WITI problem. I named this blog ""Meta-Artificial" in 2012 to signal my background influence from the theory of Metasystem Transition of Valentin Turchin who similarly to John Day developed a "right" approach to the adjacent question concerning the course of Computing. I consider Turchin's "Meta" as a fundamental framework for developing "MyThinking" stated in the blog's banner as:

This blog is working out a picture of the evolving Net, it tries to formulate basic concepts that explain the nature of this global machine & its applications in contemporary Society. It tries to comprehend the ongoing (net) construction process by examining analogies drawn from the process that built its ancestor entities: the computer, the operating system, the programming language and the global telekom

Around 1999, I gave a presentation to a conference titled "The evolution of Internet under the macroscope" where I did put together the pieces of a Jigsaw:

A hierachy of "automation quanta" where each extends the scope of the network in terms of the number of people connected (paraphrasing Bob Metcalf when interviewed on the occasion of his 2022 ACM Turing Award).

David Turner's Combinators (Software Practice & Experience Jan.1979) was the inspiration of the concept of "automation quantum", an equivalent to the concept of Metasystem Transition (Turchin calls the general case "a quantum of creativity). I have posted about it in the blog "" (greek) around 2007.

Recently, IEEE Spectrum, June 2023 has an article in which Bob Khan is interviewed "on the birth of Inter-networking". He presents his main contribution to be the concept of "Open Network Architecture". In addition, in a linkedIn post, David Reed (UDP inventor) makes a comment about it and about how he got recruited by Khan to work on it and provides his thinking about what Internet is:

"...there can only be one interoperability architecture (to rule them all) and it becomes the Internet, which continues to become itself, a Fixed Point mathematically, of the Internet evolution function."

And he continues further with a footnote:

"This Internet Evolution Function is "the users as they use it", not a government or ICANN. You apply the users and use to the Internet, and get the future of the Internet as the "result" the future Internet. That's because what we built is designed to be user-enhanced, not manufactured and sold as a product. ISPs are users... Just as Google is a user, and my home is a user."

I really excited that "MyThinking" gets another Proofpoint (see earlier Post), QED.


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