The Virtual Von Neumann Architecture
The chain of Automation Quanta (AQ) generated by Internet Systematics is interpreted as the virtual Von Neumann architecture (VVNA) and thus we have an Internet Model.
What is AQ1, AQ2, AQ3,.......
Each AQi represents the mechanization of a previously mannualy executed distributed process by the user agents of the Net which transends its developent stages as
VVNA1, VVNA2, VVNA3,......
Initially IS identified Net's Naming process concerned with the manual maintainance and distribution of the file Hosts.txt [RK] as the first Automation Quantum embedded gradually to the global infrastructure as dictated by RFCxxx - The Domain Name System. Later this was identified as AQ3 (see blog:List of frames generated by IS). The pattern of AQs is repeated with all major advances in the Routing, Addressing, NIR-ing, etc
sub-system components of the Internet System (Internet, ARPANET, WWW are the transitional names the evolving Net)
Let's see how the interpretation works.
Initial development took place as the deployment of the STROWGER SWITCH replacing the manual operators of the telephone system. This form of automation, induced by the STROWGER SWITCH, implemented by elementary devices which influenced the construction of the Von Neumann Architecture. Gradually we arrived at the DIGITAL SWITCH the most basic component of the global Telecom network (PSTN). So we can bind all the activities which lead to the construction of ARPANET under the label Automation Quantum One (AQ1) This creates the infrastructure upon which to overlay ARPANET the first global computer network. All ARPANET computers execute the NCP suite of programs constituting the virtual CPU of the global machine, their filesystems is the virtual Memory and the Telecom lines constitute the virtual BUS. So we can bind all the activities which lead to the construction of ARPANET under the label Automation Quantum One (AQ1).
VVNA1 is made of the folowing components:
- the virtual CPU
- the virtual MEMORY
- the virtual BUS
The nature of AQ2 concerns the automation offered to the users by the application suite of ARPANET - Telnet/FTP/Mail. Can this component be interpeted as
AQ1: manual operator -> strowger switch, digital switch, ncp arpanet node
AQ2: manual telecom communication (voice, text) -> Email, FTP, TELNET, TCP/IP
AQ3: manual Naming -> DNS
AQ4: manual IP routing -> core routing, Backbone, external routing (EGP,RIP,OSPF,BGP, CIDR)
NOTE ---- AQ1.1: manual Telecom -> MPLS/FiberOptic automation
VVNA1: Arpanet
VVNA2: Internet (TCP/IP) - bus=digital telecom
VVNA3: Internet (DNS) - bus= Net w/o automatic naming
VVNA4: Internet (EGP-....-CIDR) - bus= Net w/o automatic routing-manual
VVNA5: Internet (MIME) - bus= Net w/ manual multimedia messaging
VVNA6: Internet (NIR) - bus= Net w/o archie, gopher, www - network services
VVNA7: Internet (QoS) - bus=Net w/ best effort transport
VVNAi+1 =is AQi applied to VVNAi where VVNA1 = ARPANET and AQ1=SS
CONCLUSION: All network advances the last 50 years are modelled by the folowing concepts
(a) the Automation Quantum (AQ)
(b) the virtual von Neumann Architecture (VVNA)
(c) a sequence of AQ(j)
(d) the chain VVNA(i)
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